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Titan Krios G1

Magnification table for the K3 as of July 2019:

nominal magnification (x) pixel size (Å) counting mode pixel size (Å) super-resolution mode
53,000 1.652 0.826
64,000 1.328 0.664
81,000 1.078 0.539
105,000 0.874 0.437
130,000 0.640 0.320
165,000 0.510 0.255
215,000 0.421 0.211


Magnification table for the K2 after moving it post-GIF:

nominal magnification (x) pixel size (Å) counting mode pixel size (Å) super-resolution mode
53,000 2.65 1.325
64,000 2.202 1.1
81,000 1.73 0.865
105,000 1.384 0.692
130,000 1.09 0.51
165,000 0.838 0.419
215,000 0.669 0.335


These are the old magnification tables for the Titan Krios for data collected before the end of January 2018.

Magnification table for the most commonly used magnifications:

nominal magnification(x)  pixel size (Å) counting mode pixel size (Å) super-resolution mode

magnification anisotropy - stretch only parameters for MotionCor2

pixel size (Å/px) after stretch only distortion correction counting mode 

pixel size (Å/px) after stretch only distortion correction super-resolution mode

11000x 2.64 1.32 -Mag 1.024 1 33.5 2.56 1.28
14000x 2.08 1.04 -Mag 1.029 1 31.3 2.02 1.01
18000x 1.62 0.81 -Mag 1.03 1 28.1 1.58 0.79
22500x 1.3 0.65 -Mag 1.027 1 28.2 1.26 0.63
29000x 1 0.5 -Mag 1.026 1 24.8 0.98 0.49